1. Researching the topic
To inform myself on what happened on the wheat crisis topic since the material experimentation on March, I conducted some research and these were my findings. From these findings I could have an idea in my head of what direction I could follow in my project and what are the actualities on this topic right now.
Poster process
How did I go from the concept to my final poster?
2. Researching the context
To inspire myself and see what is out there, I did some research on the ways I could make my animated poster. These are few findings that had an influence on my final poster.
A link to a moving version:
A link to a moving version:
3. Experimenting with flour movement
In the beginning, I was filming the flour and experimenting what kind of motion I can extract from it. Later on, I used the footage I filmed and manipulated in the After Effects. To show all of my experiments I made a little video.
4. Choosing the motion for my final poster
After I experimented with flour and motion, I decided to choose one motion and one finding of the experimentation that I can use for my final poster. I decided to stick with the 'blowing flour away' idea and worked further on that. You can see more of it in the final poster section.